Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jersey Shoresical: A Frickin' Rock Opera

I would never ever blog about Jersey Shore unless it was absolutely neccessary, but I previewed this frickin' rock opera and it looks and sounds stupendous...the book, music, and lyrics were all co-written by Daniel Franzese from Mean Girls (Glen Coco, you GO Glen Coco!) Also, J-WoWW is played by a man, so that's a major bonus. LA shows are July 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th at the Bootleg Theater. Tickets here. If you love it, then you should back it. They need 8,000 dollars pledged by Saturday, July 16 at 6:23pm so they can take it to the New York International Fringe Fest in August. Support these artists!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Koko Be Good

This is my favorite graphic novel (next to Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Box Set)...and you can read some of it online. Simply put, it's about a seriously diabolical girl trying to become good.

The artwork is full of pencil scrawls and warm, murky browns, which, if you are a hag like me, you will find very comforting.
I think this would make a badass movie. 
I'm looking at these two...
Diablo + Edgar

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Messy Is A Good Thing

"When I say messy, I mean there is movement in the
photograph. The object might not be in motion, but it has movement. Movement is the energy that a precise moment contains. An image vocalizes that energy."

Friday, June 24, 2011

Comedy Crush

"Humor is one of the sexiest qualities a person can have. There's that phrase, 'comedy crush,' where you may not be that attracted to someone physically, but because of how funny they are, you have a little bit of a crush on them. Their humor makes them more attractive. Growing up, my crushes were John Ritter and John Cusack. And yeah, I have a comedy crush on Bill Murray." ~Kristen Wiig

Who's your comedy crush?

Monday, June 20, 2011


Some villainous spammers blew a hole in Neglectful Hipster with a Model 500 Magnum Revolver, so I went to a sanatarium of some sort and they gave me a 'The' as a preservative spam-proof vest. Now I am 'The' Neglectful Hipster. It truly was a bad beginning, Lemony-Snicket-style. Sorry if anyone cares and also, sorry for already mentioning Lemony Snicket.

P.S. This is for real what I look like when I wake up in the morning: